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  2. What is Springmatic

Springmatic overview

What is Springmatic?

Springmatic is the management suite of Springdel to allow organizations to help manage all of their edge devices in a single, easy-to-use environment. 

Key features 

On Android-based devices, Springmatic can perform the following functions:

  • Enable / disable hardware and OS functionality(i.e. Camera, Bluetooth, Airplane mode, Factory reset, Safe boot and more)
  • Force a kiosk with customizable HTML-based UI
  • Perform security controls with web filtering, geofencing, certificate, user and group management
  • Push custom signed applications
  • Monitor device location, location history, and status

Organize devices - Fleets

Devices are organized as fleets. Fleets can be grouped almost any way an organization wishes. Often admins may want to have fleets of devices by location or by device type. For example a fleet can be a group of all of the digital displays, and a second fleet could be for the POS (point-of-sale) devices. Sub fleets can even be created to help easily micro-manage various devices per location.

Device profiles

Profiles allow admins to define what permissions, applications, and device features are used and allowed for each device. More about creating and managing profiles can be found in the Profile section. 

Adding devices

Device enrollment can be performed simply by creating a device, associating a profile, and then scanning a QR code to complete. On Android, devices need to be set in a managed mode (Android enterprise, Samsung KNOX, or other method), and the Springdel DPC and Remote Control applications are necessary to allow remote control and policy enforcement. More information about setting up various devices can be found in the Enrolling devices section.

Additional questions?

Let us know in the comments or write in to our team. We're constantly developing and improving functionality and device support.